In a tragic incident that unfolded in the capital, a flood in Delhi led to the deaths of three UPSC aspirants in Rau’s coaching center’s basement, in old Rajender Nagar Delhi. The municipal corporation of Delhi has shut down basements of 13 other civil services coaching after the tragic incident of a student death in Delhi. 5 more arrests have been made by Delhi police in connection to the death of students in a waterlogged basement in Delhi.
Rau’s IAS coaching had 30 students present at the time of the incident where 12-14 were rescued by NDRF teams and others managed to escape but 3 students couldn’t find their way out after the basement quickly filled with water following the heavy downpour.
The Delhi Police have arrested seven individuals, including the coaching center’s owner and management staff, on charges of negligence and culpable homicide. Initial investigations suggest that despite previous flood alerts in Delhi, the management failed to take adequate precautions or provide safe evacuation routes for the students. The flood Delhi incident has raised serious questions about such institutions’ accountability in ensuring their premises’ safety.
The Delhi flood update revealed the tragic incident at the coaching center where the basement, which was being used as a study area by UPSC aspirants was marked as a parking and storage area as per the building plan submitted to get a No-Objection-Certificate (NOC) but was used as a library.
This Delhi flood news underscores the urgent need for comprehensive flood management strategies. Urban planners and policymakers must prioritize the development of robust infrastructure capable of withstanding such natural disasters. Additionally, safety regulations must be strictly enforced to prevent such tragedies in the future.
As the city recovers, the focus must remain on enhancing preparedness for future flood situations. The Delhi flood has been a stark reminder of the devastating impact of climate change and the necessity for proactive measures to safeguard lives and property.
Read more: Pooja Khedkar Case: Controversial IAS Failed to Report at LBSNAA
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