National NGO talks about its work and vision at the 4th Asian Summit

News Hour Unit

, NGO Hour

National Organisation for Social Empowerment represented itself at the 4th Asian Summit meet held at India Habitat Center on 9th October 2015. The event garnered positive reviews and active participation from people and many NGOs. The volunteers and members of National NGO encouraged people to work for the welfare of society. They made them aware about the work, aim and goals of the organization urging them to work for the welfare of society. The main focus was the plight of the backward and underprivileged sections of society. The organization influenced people to contribute in the upliftment and welfare of the lower sections of the society.

A volunteer of National NGO said, “We strongly believe in working for the welfare of underprivileged and backward segments of society and creating a better future for children. It feels incredible to be a part of such a noble cause. The event aimed at edifying individuals with our ideas and thoughts. We inspired people to work for the welfare of society and take appropriate measures against the prevailing ills like child labor, hunger, malnutrition, child mortality, lack of education, poverty and exploitation of children. It is important to address these issues and make people aware of the plight of our society.

We made people aware of how their small efforts can have an immense effect in the lives of the underprivileged segments of society. With years of commitment and earnest endeavors we have extended our areas of operation to cover different divisions like medical & health care, education, social rehabilitation & development of rural areas, empowerment of women, environment and supporting government to enhance administration. It feels great to garner such positive responses and support from people.”

The main objective of the National Ngo is to facilitate better quality of life in all its realms through community mobilization, participatory governance based on sustainable natural resource management. Thus community participation, education, protection and promotion of environment and social capital are central to the activities of the organization.


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