Proliferating Ransomware attacks threaten organizations as Indian critical infrastructure landscape grows more precarious

With the threat landscape of critical infrastructure organizations growing more precarious, ransomware-related cyber-attacks on Indian enterprises have increased by 4 per cent within the last few months.  COVID-19 uncertainties fuel such attacks and it remains to be the top-of-mind concern for individuals, organizations and the agencies working for critical sectors. The massive increase in the number of such attacks coincides with the emergence of several new targeted ransomware groups.

Tech giants like Zoom and Microsoft Teams have faced the most risk. Apart from this, attackers have taken the advantage of salient weaknesses in Windows, Android, iOS and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Increasing phishing attacks are witnessed amid the pandemic as a number of offices have shifted their workforce from secure hubs to personal workstations at home. These attacks are mainly aimed at exploiting scam sensitive sectors and their information for financial gains.

Hackers have continued to exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems, application and software. Last quarter has clearly highlighted the need of having more reliable firms to design solutions for sensitive sectors and safeguard the data and streamline the processes.

To safeguard crucial information and streamline the processes, ACSG Corp is emphasizing on the concept of ‘Make in India’ by designing customized and deep-tech solutions for shielding sensitive sectors and organizing structured and unstructured data. Additionally, a report by Global cyber security major K7 Computing revealed that Tier-I cities like Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad witnessed the highest number of online attacks affecting numerous organizations and people.

The effective defense against online and related attacks has largely remained the same over the years. However, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to finally get the old vulnerabilities mended and resolve this issue from the root through robust cyber security solutions and monitoring capabilities, rather than going for quick fixes.

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