Hyderabad-based company Genomelabs introduces Ayush Kwath to boost immune system

Contemplating the dire need of immunity-boosting measures in the wake of COVID -19 outbreak, Hyderabad-based Genomelabs, a leading firm in fitness, nutrition and wellness industry has recently launched an Ayush Kwath. It is a formulation made out of herbs like Tulsi (basil leaves), Dalchini (cinnamon bark), Sunthi (dry ginger powder) and Krishna Marich (black pepper) that is like to enhance the body’s natural defense system.

P. Nagaraju, Managing Director, Genomelabs Bio Private Limited stated, “Ayush Kwath boosts immunity to fight COVID-19. It is recommended by the Department of Ayush. As per the reports, coronavirus has been found to be fatal for a number of people of the world with weak immunity. There are many herbs in the traditional Ayurveda system that helps to boost immunity and prevent many diseases.”

“While coronavirus is adversely affecting the immune system of the infected people, it is also witnessed that it mostly targets people with low immunity. Adopting healthy eating habits and having hygienically prepared food to enhance and strengthen our immune system is recommended as it would reduce the chances of COVID 19.” said health expert and nutritionist, Jatin Kapoor.

Building a strong immune system is a quite long process however it can be developed over a time. In the month of April, AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) Ministry recommended the herbal decoction to the states and union territories with an aim of improving natural defence system to fight the novel coronavirus by encouraging the production of Ayush Kwath.

The Indian Prime Minister in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ radio program shared the pros of AYUSH healthcare systems, stating that people across the globe are understanding the importance of Ayurveda and yoga to safeguard them from COVID-19 pandemic.


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